If you're a student...
to enter the lesson just click on the "I'm a student" link.
Note: if you were in a lesson and you were previously disconnected, you can resume it by clicking on "Looks like we know you".
you will be redirected to the login page: enter your name and the lesson name provided by the teacher. Wait then the exercise to begin.
once the sentence appears on the screen, choose the correct speech part for the highlighted word. You have only one tentative
teacher can interrupt the session at any time, and in that case you can not submit anymore your choice
once teacher validates the answer, you will see your result, and wait for the next session to begin.
If you're a teacher...
click on the link "I'm a teacher"
you will be redirected to the login/signup page.
if you are already registered, insert your username and the lesson identifier that you would like to use for the current lesson. This will be communicated to your student, and allows the app to build the virtual classroom.
if you're not yet registered, insert your username and your chosen password in the SIGNUP form. App memorizes this, and show again the same page but you can now type your login info in the LOGIN form as per point above.
communicate the lesson name you choose to your students, and wait them login. You can see names appearing in your page.
Note: it can happens at any time that a student accidentally close the browser. In that case he can access to the start page and prompted to resume the lesson from where he left. You have then an alert, and the possibility to "ping" him to see if his reconnection has been done. Once he's connected again, the ping will be succesful, the warning removed and lesson can resume. Student won't loose his results.
once all students are in, click on "start exercise". This will send the exercise to the classroom, and students are prompted to respond.
Note: button "Start Exercise" can be not responsive for some hits, especially at the first connection. Just try more times if needed until the exercise appears on page. Work is in progress to solve this.
You will see answers appearing as they're submitted by every students, and a count bar giving you the missing respondents.
when you consider the time up, click on the button "time's up". This will stop student's answering if they're not done yet, and allows you to choose the correct answer as indicated.
students correct will be highlighted, and you can now start a new exercise
at any time you can have the lesson statistics by clicking on "Lesson stats"
when you're done, just logout and this will terminate the lesson and disconnect students.
The Team
Federico Sangati, ideator
Stefano Merlo, developer
The Project
Click here for the Google Doc